O'Kelly Solicitors Website

Liquidations & Insolvency


We provide a one stop shop solution for liquidators and offer the whole spectrum of services for liquidator clients to allow them to focus on the other aspects of the liquidation that require their professional attention.

We provide efficient, timely advices in respect of legal issues surrounding the liquidation (whether voluntary or compulsory) and the creditors meeting.

Due to our experienced in employment law, we advise on the employment issues that arise as a consequence of insolvency and liquidations, such as redundancy, unfair dismissal, transfer of undertakings & protection of employees (TUPE) and advices on the rights and entitlements of employees. These particular areas, if not managed correctly, can generate a significant drag on the Companies cash and result in considerable time being expended by both the liquidator and the Directors in resisting such claims.

We aim to provide you with our view on the issues as soon as practicable so that decisions can be made and tactics agreed prior to costs mounting.

We also provide services to assist liquidators in swelling the assets of the Company by way of debt recovery, the setting aside of certain transactions of the company prior to liquidation (fraudulent preference) and making the directors personally liable for the debts of the company. We also advise on validity or otherwise of retention of title clauses over goods held by insolvent companies.

In line with current guidelines of the Office of Director of Corporate Enforcement, the possibility of restriction and disqualification of the directors of the Company must be considered and we can give you advice on these applications, process them as promptly as possible and bring them before the Courts.

Please contact us here to see how we can assist you.


Personal Insolvency Practitioners (PIP’s)

Since the implementation of the  personal insolvency act and the commencement of the insolvency service of Ireland, there is a new regime in respect of personal insolvency in Ireland.  O’Kelly Solicitors  has expertise in advising PIP’s  in respect of the legality of  title documentation, the enforceability of mortgages and the necessary disposal of assets to allow debtors to comply with personal insolvency arrangements.

Please contact us here to see how we can assist you.

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